• Leadership Skills Desktop With Tools

    6 Proven Skills Great Leaders Possess That Anyone Can Master

    Great leaders aren’t born that way. They make themselves great. Click to learn the 6 proven skills and behaviors great leaders possess that anyone can master.

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  • How To Motivate A Leader To Change Who Doesn’t Want To

    How do you motivate a leader who has no interest in changing? Even after being made aware of the need to change, they are resistant. So what do you do?

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  • Flat Support Structure Lets Individual Contributors Succeed

    Top 4 Characteristics That Make Individual Contributors Indispensable

    Our proprietary research on over 300 individual contributors found 4 key competencies that the very best exhibited that made them absolutely indispensable.

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  • Political Savvy Is Not About Being Political.

    As A Leader, Political Savvy Is NOT About Being Political

    Being politically savvy is a key competency to success at senior leadership levels. Those who do this well more often then not, are great at the following…

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  • Effective Leaders Deliver Results On Time

    5 Reasons That Stop Leaders From Delivering Results On Time

    Our research has found the top 5 issues that stop leaders from delivering results on time, and 2 key actions you can take immediately to fix them.

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  • Vastly Improve Your Strategic Visioning and Leadership

    5 Ways To Vastly Improve Your Strategic Visioning and Leadership

    Not all leaders are as dynamic and strategic as others. Click to learn 5 ways to vastly improve your strategic visioning and leadership.

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6 Proven Skills Great Leaders Possess That Anyone Can Master

Leadership Skills Desktop With Tools

Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once famously observed about pornography, “I can’t define it, but I know it when I see it.”

The same might be said about leadership.

In our coaching work, we’ve explored the concept of leadership for years.

We’ve had the pleasure of coaching many great leaders, and it’s led us to conclude that leadership is not an inborn skill.

Instead, anyone can improve as a leader by practicing the traits of a great leader consistently over time.

Below are 6 proven leadership skills and behaviors we’ve discovered over the years consistently are practiced by the very best leaders:

Read More 6 Proven Skills Great Leaders Possess That Anyone Can Master

How To Motivate A Leader To Change Who Doesn’t Want To

I have a question for you:

How do you motivate a leader who has no interest in changing?

When someone asks that question, they are usually thinking of an individual in their organization who needs to improve in some way — and “everybody knows it”.

Even if the individual has received feedback and been made aware of the need to change, they are resistant.

So what do you do?

Read More How To Motivate A Leader To Change Who Doesn’t Want To

Top 4 Characteristics That Make Individual Contributors Indispensable

Flat Support Structure Lets Individual Contributors Succeed

With more and more frequency, companies have adopted a “flat” organizational structure as a way not only to reduce costs but also to become more agile.

In recent years we have seen the availability of management positions decrease and as a result, numerous professionals are electing to make careers through individual contributor roles that allow more influence and accountability, without cumbersome titles or management duties.

Given this trend, rd&partners examined 360-degree performance appraisal data on over 300 individual contributors surveyed over the last several years.

Some quick background on the respondents:

  • This group was made up largely of “for profit” organizations with revenues between $200M to over $2B annually
  • Most of these organizations were in the manufacturing and financial/insurance industry sectors
  • Those surveyed represented a 65% female 35% male demographic

Read More Top 4 Characteristics That Make Individual Contributors Indispensable

5 Reasons That Stop Leaders From Delivering Results On Time

Effective Leaders Deliver Results On Time

Do you continually deliver results within your organization?

Are the results you deliver on time?

If you do deliver results on time, are they completed without sacrificing other factors like quality, or alienating your peers/co-workers?

Without a doubt, it’s not only important to produce results, BUT to be able to produce results “on time.”

However, everyone’s work is a link in a bigger chain of events within an organization.

If the initiative you are responsible for is late or lacks the necessary quality, your key stakeholders are directly impacted. It’s not just you that has to account for these issues, so too does the entire system.

No leader works in a vacuum and no leader achieves results by themselves.

Here’s a quick checklist to see how you are doing as it relates to getting things done.

Read More 5 Reasons That Stop Leaders From Delivering Results On Time

5 Ways To Vastly Improve Your Strategic Visioning and Leadership

Vastly Improve Your Strategic Visioning and Leadership

Dynamic and strategic leaders possess certain traits that allow them to be successful at leading others.

They also work hard to hone their craft and become better at what they do.

In a recent article we covered the 4 critical behaviors that strategic leaders usually possess that can predict how effective they will be in this area.

We now wanted to cover exactly HOW leaders of all stripes, can vastly improve their own strategic visioning.

From our experience coaching hundreds of leaders on how to develop a vision and a related long-term strategy, we have found there needs to be a combination of talent, timing, and innovative thinking.

Further, fostering a strategic vision requires laying the proper groundwork so that the vision and strategy are embraced by the key stakeholders/shareholders and therefore marshal support rather than create resistance.

What follows are five key steps that our most successful clients have utilized to create their own strategic vision while getting buy-in from the entire organization, business unit or function, in order to convey that vision in a form that leads to effective performance.

Read More 5 Ways To Vastly Improve Your Strategic Visioning and Leadership

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